Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Campaign Finance

How soon we forget. Certain quarters are espousing that Obama has done a poor job based on his ability, or need, based on your perspective, to raise $175 million for his 2012 campaign, going on currently. Bush 2004 started raising funds in May, 2003. By February 2004, he had over $143 million in his coffers. He almost lost. In 2000,  he won the election by Supreme Court decree. In 2008, McCain lost, very much in part, to his adherence to fair campaiging. If even "educated" people (~30% of the population) are too unwilling to read and think on their own and very much prefer to make decisions based on the laziness of listening to "talking heads" and "pundits" who offer little or no analysis except that of pure, unbased, and highly biased opinion wrought from sensationalist "writers" whose job it is to get higher television and radio ratings and not the "truth," I do not blame him or anyone else for fundraising.