Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Wonderful World of CA School Funding...

So, the fiscal year starts July we are in 2010-2011..if you took the time out to go to a school site council meeting, you would be able to see that we schools ALWAYS do our budgets based on estimates because the state legislators don't bother to do their budgets until after we HAVE to do ours;-) 

Welcome to the wonderful world of politics...the CA state legislators didn't bother to pass a 2010-2011 budget until October 8, 2010. Should all the school children miss the first 6-7 weeks of school because of internecine fighting?

State law requires teachers be notified by March15th if they may be laid off, so they have time to look for work before the new school year. The governor presents his budget in January and the legislature hasn't bother to get around to their "mandated" deadline of June 30th 17 times in the past 25 years...

Beleaguered school districts actually present  THREE proposed budgets (best, moderate, and worst cases) because nothing's written in stone until after the legislature passes the budget, maybe somewhere in the Fall or Winter...That is when the "real" budget gets okay'd...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Corporate Welfare...

So, I got nosy, as is my want, and looked up corporate versus poor people welfare stats...

Private sector bailouts since 2008 = $1857.2 billion

TOTAL US welfare payouts shot up from $321 billion in 2008 to $502 billion last year, not in small part to the RAPE of the US economy by the huge corporations gambling on mortgage-backed "securities" that were shady, at best, and were "bailed out" by hard working taxpayers like you and me.

TOTAL US welfare payouts since 2008 = $1734 billion (including $496 bil projected for 2011) Welfare Spending&state=US&color=c&local=s

THAT'S 123 BILLION more in set aside entitlements to CORPORATE welfare than to poor folks who lost their jobs due to deceptive and illegal, though not prosecuted, financial schemes...

Erego, the private sector IS the biggest receiver of for me, I'd rather see a baby get his Enfamil than subsidize some dirtbag cheater's 18 holes @ Sebonack. But, that's just me.

A "Quality Public Education"

SO tired of reading ignorant and often whiny posts about the quality of public education. 

Taxpayers pay about $9000/yr /child to educate children in public schools. Class sizes are enormous and getting bigger with this year's new budget cuts (in CA, it's going from 35-42+ in secondary and over 24 in elementary). BUT, it's the SAME people who do not want to pay taxes for anything and cringe when faced with a $30/month tax extension who seem to be the squeakiest wheels. 

"Education" does not take place simply between the hours of  8:00am-3:00pm.

The old adage is true. You get what you pay for...Unless you are willing to pay almost $50,000/yr ($46,420) like they charge at Choate or another boarding school, you do NOT get to dump your kid off and expect other people to magically "educate" them. Even the day tuition alone at that school and other private school with tiny class sizes (12) over $36,000/yr/child. Parochial schools don't charge the full amount it actually costs to educate a child in tuition, because they count highly on those who subsidize others' education through their generous donor support.

Class sizes at these expensive private boarding schools is 3X what taxpayers pay for public schools and class size is 12, or one third what it is in public schools. Is it any wonder less kids means more attention and a more personalized  experiences? It's simple math. 

I provide a HIGH quality education EVERY day. AND I HIGHLY subsidize the studies of my students with my OWN money. You can NOT delegate your child's "education" to others unless you are willing to hand them over and pay a princely sum for the privilege.

When you adjust for poverty, the USA ranks #2 in reading in international tests

At US schools with less than 10% poverty, we are #1 in the WORLD. So, if a kid attends a school in an "affluent" area and isn't performing, stop blaming the school.  ALL parents, regardless of the area, can take greater control of their own child's education. Attend the Site based management meetings, do homework WITH your child, if you can't, get a tutor or take your child to tutoring centers like parents of college-bound students did in japan where I lived for three years. Spend Saturdays or Sundays visiting museums and cultural events. There are many who offer free or very low priced admissions. I'd like to see as many posts of parents participating in their children's EDUCATION as opposed to the countless hours they spend sitting on grass watching kids play sports, sometimes ALL weekend long...sports are healthy when balanced with a child's academic and other needs.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jackie Robinson on MTP April 14, 1957...

Jackie Robinson on Meet the Press...have a look...really.

My Brooklyn-born and raised mother used to tell us stories about all the nasty things they said to "that man" from the stands and all the "garbage" he had to deal with, all with a gentle and quiet endurance. Jackie Robinson was always put up as our example of how to turn the other cheek like Jesus, and how to carry yourself in front of the "idiots" with class, although she didn't use that word.

She used to say "When you're good, it doesn't really matter WHAT "they" say about you. You KNOW you're good."

Check out the Johns-Manville ad poster on the walll...the makers of asbestos! Oh yeah,and my spine and the hair on my back tingle in a bad way every time they use the term "the negro." gross....

Then again, she was proud of me for using the gift of my "big mouth." in responding to my detractors..."What?!?! No, that isn't luggage, it's my saxaphone. You don't even know what a sax case looks like? I play sax. What do YOU play? Nothin'. that's what i thought."

I am just grateful for my mother and father and for growing up in a place and time when it wasn't okay to beat women with big mouths...

Ben Stein tells us to grow up...

So...Ben Stein said we've had "excessive tax cuts." Yes, he did.

Time for ALL of us, rich or poor, young or old to take our big girl/boy pills. 

If you want a war, you have to pay for it, out of your own pocket. Same for education, paved roads, and a mail service, you also have to pay for that. If you want health care, you have to pay for it. No more wealthy top 1% tax cuts and no more 21 year olds whining about the state of health care, waiting in emergency rooms for hours after snowboarding accidents to have their broken  limbs set, while refusing to put out the $100/month they spend on booze and cell phones that they need  to set aside to buy their own health insurance.