Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Corporate Welfare...

So, I got nosy, as is my want, and looked up corporate versus poor people welfare stats...

Private sector bailouts since 2008 = $1857.2 billion

TOTAL US welfare payouts shot up from $321 billion in 2008 to $502 billion last year, not in small part to the RAPE of the US economy by the huge corporations gambling on mortgage-backed "securities" that were shady, at best, and were "bailed out" by hard working taxpayers like you and me.

TOTAL US welfare payouts since 2008 = $1734 billion (including $496 bil projected for 2011)
http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/downchart_gs.php?year=2008_2011&view=1&expand=&units=p&fy=fy12&chart=40-fed_40-statelocal&bar=0&stack=1&size=m&title=Total Welfare Spending&state=US&color=c&local=s

THAT'S 123 BILLION more in set aside entitlements to CORPORATE welfare than to poor folks who lost their jobs due to deceptive and illegal, though not prosecuted, financial schemes...

Erego, the private sector IS the biggest receiver of welfare...as for me, I'd rather see a baby get his Enfamil than subsidize some dirtbag cheater's 18 holes @ Sebonack. But, that's just me.

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